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Holidays & Loss & Star Wars

Our nephew Kai. Read his words of wisdom in link below.The holidays are so intense. It's sensorial overload. We take in festive lights, the coziness of our favorite sweaters, the love we feel for our friends, and the deliciousness of hot chocolate samples at William Sonoma. We allow ourselves to be joyous. And when we sing off key at candlelight service, the beauty and power of life can be overwhelming. I always end up crying. Not just because I'm a terrible singer, but because singing is a vulnerable thing. You open up your throat and your heart. And everything feels beautiful and temporary and precious. And then, I can't help but think of the ones I've lost who mattered so much to me.  

My sister-in-law Natalie lost her husband. She wrote a beautiful post about her son Kai's take on his father's love, and how it is boundless, without end. It's a holiday gift. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO STAR WARS.

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